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Maintenance Plans: Residential & Commercial

Ever found yourself up against the ropes with a sudden home repair issue? Well, buckle up because the Handyman Subscription Service is swooping in to save the day. It's a stellar concept for anyone whose toolbox is gathering dust or whose schedule is bursting at the seams. Let's peel back the layers and see what makes this service a must-have.

What is a Handyman Subscription Service?

Picture this: an all-access pass to a team of home repair wizards, ready to tackle anything from stubborn leaks to mysterious electrical gremlins, all for a set fee. That's the heart and soul of a Handyman Subscription Service. It's like having your very own home maintenance genie, minus the lamp rubbing.

Handyman Subscription Plans: Who's It For?

Senior Citizens

Navigating ladders or deciphering instruction manuals isn't just challenging; it can be unsafe. This subscription service is a beacon of safety and convenience.

DIY-Averse Individuals

If the mere thought of DIY sends shivers down your spine, the handyman monthly subscription is your get-out-of-jail-free card.

The Chronically Busy

If your to-do list is longer than a Tolstoy novel, offloading home maintenance can be a godsend.

Real Estate Tycoons

With multiple properties under your belt, a subscription handyman service ensures each one is nothing short of stellar.

Wanderlust Warriors and Road Warriors

Investors and Landlords

Constantly on the move? Keep your home base in pristine condition with a handyman subscription.

A subscription-based handyman service is the key to keeping tenants happy and your properties in tip-top shape.

Handyman Subscription Plans: How It Works


Initiate Contact: A simple call or online form kicks things off. Easy as pie.


The Meet-up: A face-to-face meet-up follows. You set the date & time.


Proposal Time: You'll get a custom proposal, tailored to your needs.


Launch: Agree to the terms, and your home enters a new era of hassle-free upkeep.

Perks of a Handyman Subscription Plan

Fixed Expenses

Front of the Line

All-in-One Solution

Residential: Home Maintenance Plans

Maintaining your home can be time-consuming, costly, and sometimes overwhelming. However, investing in a residential home maintenance subscription can make a big difference in keeping your home in top condition while saving you time and money in the long run.

  • Home: Monthly Plan

    Every month
    A visit to your residential property every month.
  • Home: Semiannual Plan

    Every 6 months
    A visit to your residential property every six months.
  • Home: Annual Plan

    Every year
    A visit to your residential property once every year.

Commercial Building: Business Maintenance Plans

Maintaining your business can be time-consuming, costly, and sometimes overwhelming. However, investing in a commercial maintenance subscription can make a big difference in keeping your business in top condition while saving you time and money in the long run.

  • Business: Monthly Plan

    Every month
    A visit to your commercial property every month.
  • Business: Semiannual Plan

    Every 6 months
    A visit to your commercial property every 6 months.
  • Business: Annual Plan

    Every year
    A visit to your commercial property once every year.

Taking the Leap: Requesting a Quote

Convinced that a handyman monthly subscription could be your home's new secret weapon? The next step is snagging a quote. This is your moment to get all your burning questions answered and tailor the service to your home's unique needs.

Free Estimate

Check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you


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